
work hard play hard - tips to work from home

Personal space

When working at home it is important to create your own personal space where you can be creative and won't get distracted from other activities in the house. Currently I am in the process of creating a little space like this for myself, I always used to work in the dining room area and gather all of my documents and business everywhere in the room, making it extremely chaotic.

Get dressed

One of the biggest mistakes people make when working from your own home is that they tend to stick in their sleepwear when doing their work. This enables creativity and keeps the mind from thinking properly. Therefore it is important to do your morning routine and get dressed like you would normally, ofcourse you can add some lounge wear to make it a little more comfortable.

Make a list

The secret behind getting everything done are post its! I love making notes and create lists on everything that I need to do on a certain day, and even prepare beforehand so I can get the maximum out of my working day. Not only will you get everything done, but it also provides a satisfaction whenever you get to check a tasks off of your list.

The think tank

Make sure that you get a proper nutricion before you start working on your tasks. The brain simply cannot function properly without eating well, as it provides more energy to grind the brain. Have some oats with fruits and a glass of milk in the morning, or throw some fruits and veggies into the blender and create yourself a nice smoothy.

Starting your creativity in the afternoon? Just grab some healthy snacks like almonds or sliced fruit and rush through your tasks while snacking along.

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3 lovely comments:

  1. Nice posts! I am one of the persons that stays in her sleepwear way too long :D

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  2. I like your post a lot! I agree with you completely! I think that if you create your space for work and dress normally you will be more productive and if we just lay in our beds and stay in our sleepwear we are going to be lazy to do anything. I think that work from home has many adventages but it is important to create our little office :)
    It was lovely to read this post. Great job :D
