
This season's IT sandal - Trend

Summer is the season to bring out your sandals and open toe heels, and show some skin. However the most comfortable shoes for summer are probably sandals als they almost never hurt your feet, you can walk for many miles, and your feet are able to breathe which comes in handy with hot weather.

This season's IT sandal must be the Oran by Hermes. This sandal has been seen everywhere in the blogger industry and many influencers have been spotted wearing them. And they are quite easy to pair up with your outfit as they are many colors to choose from and most of them are very neutral toned.

These sandals however do cost a little bit more than your regular sandal. The sandal retails for $680 and can go up to as much as $1350 depending on color and fabric choice. As I completely understand that this sandal is a little bit out of budget for most of us, I selected some cheaper alternatives, so you can still feel fashionable without having to spend your life savings.

- Inspired -


€ 29,33



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4 lovely comments:

  1. It is sure one of the trend to follow. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Your shoes are so pretty :)

  3. Estou alegre por encontrar blogs como o seu, ao ler algumas coisas,
    reparei que tem aqui um bom blog, feito com carinho,
    Posso dizer que gostei do que li e desde já quero dar-lhe os parabéns,
    decerto que virei aqui mais vezes.
    Sou António Batalha.
    Que lhe deseja muitas felicidade e saúde em toda a sua casa.
    PS.Se desejar visite O Peregrino E Servo, e se o desejar
    siga, mas só se gostar, eu vou retribuir seguindo também o seu.
    Peregrino E Servo.
