
Summer 2017 favorites

Summer 2017 is up and going and I can’t deny that this summer has been a life changer for me. Many beautiful things have happened and have shaped me to the person I am right now. During the process of become miss globe Netherlands and learning for my exams I have highly depended on a few of my Summer favourites. These favourites vary from accessories and skincare products, I will name everything I love and why I love them in particular. Have fun reading my Summer favourites and don’t forget to comment what your favourites are and why you love them.

1. Biore SPF lotion. It cannot be enough said how important SPF is, not only during summer but all year round. In the summer I like to use a factor 50+ as I want to be protected as much as possible. The Biore SPF is my favourites because it is very gentle for my skin and I don’t get any breakouts as regular SPF will have that effect on my skin.

2. Maybeline dream BB fresh foundation. I love this foundation in particular as it gives just enough coverage and has SPF in it. It is a perfect foundation to wear to the beach and wears really lightly, it also doesn’t come of when going into the water or when sweating and don’t leave your face streaky or cakey.  A big+ is that it has soy extract in it which makes it gentle for acne prone skin.

3. As for accessories I highly depended on my Kyboe! Watch which is functional and fashionable at the same time. This watch has saved me throughout the exam period and is very light on the wrist which is perfect for my thin wrists. I love the nude color as the watch can be paired with any outfit and accessories which makes it multi wearable, and makes you get the most wear out of it.

4. Wireless headphones are a must for me during the Summer. I dislike everything that touches my skin when it’s hot outside, which include headphones. I also love wearing these when studying as the cord doesn’t distract when studying, and when going on my morning run.

5. The ChloĂ© lookalike bag is one of my faves this Summer as it turns every outfit into a luxurious one. By picking a soft grey colour this bag can be combined with almost any outfit and looks amazing with white Summer dresses in particular. I decided to go for the knockoff version as the bag is a statement piece for 2017 Fashion and isn’t as wearable throughout other seasons like my normal go-to bags. Therefore I decided to pay only $20 instead of the goldmine that the ChloĂ© one costs. 

6. My go-to Summer food has changed over the years, as some years I loved to start breakfast with fruits and sometimes didn’t even eat in the mornings at all.  During the years I have learned how important breakfast is for my productivity and endurance during the day. Therefore the ‘on the go’ MyMuesli cups are my new faves as they are packaged in perfect portions and ready to take with you. This way you can eat breakfast wherever you are, which has been perfect for me during my exams.

7. And THE Summer 2017 favorite of the year goes to…. Sippy cups! I love to drink out of sippy / container cups during summer. I love drinking out of these cups as it’s easy to track how much water you have been drinking for the day, and it keeps bugs out of your drinks which not only makes me grossed-out when it happens but also sad for the poor bug that has drowned in my tasty drink. A big plus is that these get sold everywhere lately with very cute designs, and they are highly affordable!

I have added links to a few of my faves that are a little bit more hard to find, just in case you are interested in one of the products. Let me know what your favourites are in the comment section and why you love them so much.

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