
Christmas: top 5 gifts for your mom - lifestyle

Christmas is around the corner with only a few days left. That means that there's still a lot of shopping to do for the most wonderfull people in your life. One of the hardest people to shop for must be moms. Why? Because they are happy with anything you give them, but you want them to feel special. Today's article gives you 5 gift ideas for your mom that makes her feel a little bit more happy than usual.


let's admit that our moms are always busy with taking care of everyone and everything. Therefore their feet can use some rest and warmth, so why not gift them some fluffy in-house slipper. And if you want to be extra festive, go for a Christmas theme!


Me time, it's one of the most precious times for a women and mom's don't have a lot of them. A package with some soothing scents and body care can be highly appreciated, so when the day ends she is able to pamper herself.


Interiors are very important for moms, they want to see their home cozy and stylish. Especially because mom's are getting a lot of friends and family over. Find out what your mom's style is and get her some small accessories for the house and you will receive a big smile in return.


Scented candles are a must in house holds nowadays, and with so many scents to choose from you definetely are able to find one your mom loves. And they also come in very cute packages which is extra nice.


Christmas is an expensive time of the year and we all have times that we aren't able to spend a lot. A home made gift can be a nice Christmas gift for your mom, especially because you've worked hard on it and she will appreciate the effort over any other gift in the world.

Christmas doesn't have to be expensive, just appreciate the time with your family and have a great time. Be kind to eachother and especially to your mom, mom's are the best!

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3 lovely comments:

  1. Olá Angela
    Mas que ótimas sugestões. Amei!!!
    Que neste natal e em todos dias do próximo ano passamos fazer de Jesus nosso melhor amigo, pois ELE é o maior motivo do Natal e da nossa existência.
    Feliz natal pleno de amor e harmonia e um ano novo de paz, amizade, humildade e sabedoria
    Beijos com imenso carinho,

  2. Amazing post

    Love Vikee

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