
Spring 2016 beauty trends.

Hi friends, long time no see. But definetely back from a long break ( school duty). Today I'm going to show you the top 5 trends for this upcoming spring, with some really cute colors!

1. purple lippies.
Let's start colorfull with these gorgeous purple lips. Colors for the spring of 2016 will be light purple colors like, Violet, Fuchsia and Magenta colors. I've been loving my mac 'magenta' lip pencil for ages. This gives me an excuse to wear it even more!

2. Bow-tie ponytails.
Let's bring back the Arianna ponytails! Wrap up your cute ponytail in a cute ribbon bow, in whatever color you like. Tip: pin the bow- tie onto your pony tail with a bobby pin for extra hold! Don't like ponytails? Just create a low tail and add a black bow-tie, this gives a classy French look to your outfit.

3. We are golden!
Gold is everywhere this Spring! Gold eye shadow, jewelry, accessories you name it! So don't put them away in your closet just yet, the hollidays are back! (just kidding) .

4. I'm wide awake..
Yes, what fits in more with Spring than fresh colors? This Spring your eyes will be fresh and beachy with light blue colors. This gives a total fresh look, for a new season. Tip: add a black liner to create a even bigger pop of color!

5. Nail party.
Save the best for last! chunky nails is all we need this Spring. You can add rhinestones, triangles or other heavy beading to your nails. No need to apply it neatly as said by Marc Jacobs. Don't like exaggerating nails? Just apply details to one or 2 nails!

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9 lovely comments:

  1. My favourites are pony tails and purple lips :)

    Walking Freckle

  2. Nice photos!

    Have a lovely weekend :)

  3. My favorite trend is the bow-tie ponytail. It looks really cute!

    Have a nice day :-)

  4. oh wo this is nice =D


  5. I love Ombre lips, tried doing it on myself once and it look awful, need to keep practising!

    Meme x

  6. Great trends :)

  7. Great post

    Love Vikee

  8. Hi I just discovered your blog and it's so refreshing, loving your style!
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