
NY eve wishes and love

Hi friends, how are you? Are you ready for the new year to come? This year sure has gone by so fast. While most people tend to fixate on their resolutions and goals for the new year, I like to review my year with first of all think of all the great things that happened to me this year. Last year my resolution was to make my blog more succesful and being able to help people. I also wanted to start a new study. Luckaly both of these resolutions where created into accomplishments. However this year I wont set any resolution or goal for 2016. I just want to experience this year as best as possible and do what I think is good for me.

One of my biggest accomplishments of 2015 has been accomplished mostly by ALL OF YOU. This has been my first year of blogging and I felt so welcomed by the community here. Also a lot of you gave me the strenght when I felt hessitant in the beginning months. Thank you!

One of my proudest accomplishments this year is that I became secure and finally found out what I want to do and achieve. This is harder than it sounds but I found out by loving myself more. By loving yourself you can love others and find your path in life.

Lets hope that 2016 will be amazing for all of us. If you do like to set goals or resolutions I hope you will accomplish them in the new year, and my prayers will be with you. Also let me know in the comment bar, because I love to hear about other people's goals :) Have an amazing day with lots of good food and family time, I will see you in the next year :)

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11 lovely comments:

  1. beautyful dress =)

  2. This dress is so beautiful :)

  3. Lovely dress!! Happy new year!!
    El blog de Sunika

  4. Olá Angela
    Que neste ano que esta por vir continuemos os nossos projetos, concretizemos os nossos ideais, eliminemos nossas pendências, e enfrentemos com coragem e ousadia os nossos desafios, com Deus nos inspirando e protegendo rumo à vitória! Feliz 2016 com tudo o que possa haver de melhor para você e Patrícia
    Um super beijo

  5. You are so beautiful :-O wish you only the best for new year <3
    Me and my ART

  6. You look stunning
    Gorgeous outfit
    Happy new year

    Love Vikee

  7. Your dress is GORGEOUS! the color suits you so well! Have a happy new year! Wishing you the best! <3

  8. Hello >^.^<
    Interesting post! I am impressed with these beautiful photos!:D
    U have a gorgeous style, very fresh and delicate colors..
    Greetings & Kisses
